This week I made a bunch of these cute flower cards. Some of my co-workers have been asking me to make cards for them and I though this would be a good all purpose card.

I used American Craft background paper (I love the stitched look), and Prima Flowers. The buttons came from the dollar bins at Michaels.

Of course I didn't have enough of one kind of flower to make them all the same. I bought several colors of Prima flowers and I just had to make due with what I have! (Smile)

I think that they came out pretty good. I saw a card with a picture frame on Every Day Cricut and I thought I would try the look.

And now for the part that your really looking forward to. I am giving away these 5 magazines. Yes I said 5, and yes, you do see a copy of the 1st issue of Cricut Magazine in this photo.

Just so you know I got all of these free at CHA and they are full of great ideas. I looked through them for you just to make sure! So how do you win? First you need to be a follower. (Please, I'm asking nicely, and I would appreciate it!) Second, tell your friends about this give away! I don't care how, facebook, twitter, chat room, email, blog, even give them a call. Third (this is the last step, I promise) leave a comment on this blog post. You have until next Friday at midnight Pacific Time. That ought to give everyone a good chance. I will choose one person randomly to win this great prize.
Thanks, and happy crafting!